What needs to go?

I am happy with the sound of my system for home theater use but not in two channel. I do not have the room to have two separate systems so I am looking for the best two/five channel combination. Time spent is 50% music and 50% HT. My room is 17' X 13' with the speakers and TV on the short wall. Here is my system:

Sunfire Signature Grand Amplifier
B&K Ref 30 Processor
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Homes,Solo with dipole rears.
Highly modified Pioneer Dv 444 DVD player
Velodyne Sub
MAS cables throughout

My main complaint in two channel is that the sounds is fatiguing.I have moved the GP Homes around and the sound has improved a little but still do not sound as good as my previous Audio Physic Virgo II"s with a Clayton amp. Very few room treatments (foam on wall behind speakers. Oriental rug is in front of the speakers on the floor. Room is open on two sides (behind seating area and right side of room). Sliding glass doors are on the left of the room. I have set up the speakers using the CARA method.

What component or components need to go? Should I add a seperate pre for two channel listening or upgrade the B&K?

Any and all help will be appreciated.

I use the B&K 50 in my HT system and it does mighty well. It does not have the magical 3-dimensioanlity of my BAT 31SE, but then again, what SS preamp does? The 50 is not at all fatiguing, but has a subtractive nature to it which is very clear compared to using truly high end line stages. But it is NOT an additive product which would bring on brightness and fatigue. So the 30 I suspect is not the reason for system fatigue. But a more refined 2-channel line stage would no doubt bring on a greater musicality.

I agree that for a system to handle music and movies, the focus should be all about music. If you really get it right for music, the movies reproduction will naturally fall right into place. The only exception I find here is optimizing speakers for each application but some out there work so incredibly well for both. Then add the preamp / processor, additional amps and speakers when good deals on such products come along.

It appears that CD is your primary source of music. I have to believe that adding a more refined redbook CD player or transport/dac would be as big an improvement as a 2-channel line stage.

The Sunfire might not be the best dog in the fight, but it shouldn't cause fatigue. If anything, it may be a bit warm. If memory serves, the amp has two speaker outputs: Current and Voltage?? You may want to switch outputs as a first step. If that doesn't help, the next logical step might be the B&K. Good luck.
You could test the CD player directly into the amp. Play something very soft that builds up slowly - like your best CD of "Bolero" - and get ready with the stop button. At least you will get an idea of what the preamp is doing, plus you are omitting one set of interconnects. My thoughts are you'll find pretty much the same sound - and you'll realise that the source is the weak point.

It's your pre-amp. None of the pre/pros can beat a good two channel analog pre. It's almost impossible to keep all of the digital noise out of the signal when everything is in one box. Your speakers, sub and amp are certainly up to the task of reproducing great sound so you can be certain they are not the problem. Why don't you check www.audioclassics.com and see if they have any used stuff that you like? They have a 11 day trial period so you can try some stuff and return it if you don't like it. I'm certain that a good analog pre will solve your problem.
Seems like you need to give special attention to your source as most people have suggested. Although all components are equally important, the primary data of the music which comes from CD's are extracted from the source and hence no good player no go although most of your other equipment are quite impressive in their own accounts. From that point only then you start to realize your weak components one by one.