How come a power cable changes the sound?

A good power cable definetely changes the sound but how ? A cheap 2,5 mm copper cable comes upto wall outlet and comes through a fuse (which has very thin wire) than we add a huge heavy power cord which cost 500$ than the sound of the equipment has big improvement What is the technicial logic and magic out of that ? Thanks..
i have just finished testing the snakes,,the 700 dollar one and the 1200 dollar one,absolutley no dif in sound.the equiptment is the determining factor.theta has always sounded much better but not all gear will
Read the various white papers and web pages at Mike Vansevers is an expert on this subject.
The answer is we human beings have vivid imaginations and believe what we want to. You hit the nail on the head, the quality of the Romex wire int the wall can't be improved between the socket and the first component by an overpriced piece of wire. I love my PS Audio 300 and 600, but when they try to sell me a $600 piece of 6 guage power cord I know they're ripping me off. It's this kind of voodoo that makes reasonable people think audphiles are fools.
See 'fallacy of ac treatments' thread below. This subject evokes much emotion, to say the least!