Which MIT speaker cable?

Of all the stuff in audio that is confusing, wire has to be the most difficult to navigate through and I'd prefer not to buy and sell wire a dozen times til I get it right. I've been doing some research on speaker cables of late, seems many of you like the MIT wire. Here's the set up: Oracle Delphi IV/SME345/Grado Reference through a Lehmann Black Cube, YBA CD Integre, Magnum Dynlab Tuner. IC's include Transparent, YBA, Audioquest. Power cords are Synergistic Research AC Reference on all source components, preamp, and amp. MIT Z-Cord II's on my ML Quest Z's. Preamp is a BATVK30, driving a 25' single ended cable to a Classe DR8 amp, amp connected to Martin Logan Quest Z speakers. I intend on upgrading this long run to quality balanced cables soon. In the meantime, I have eight 8' foot runs of speaker wire made for me by Dave Reich when he was at Classe which I'm now considering changing. I went to Audio Advisor's website and looked at two different solutions, both 10' Biwired cables with spades. The MH-750 Series II is $538, the Terminator 2 Bi-Wire is $212 (add some bucks for termination). I'm looking to tame the high end a bit in my ML's, which cable would you suggest? Thanks, Jeff
My local dealer lent me the Transparent speaker cables for evaluation, so I'm trying them out now. Over the course of the several few days, once they're broken in, I should have a handle on whether the Transparent is a good match for the ML's. The next step is the IC between preamp and amp, fidning the right 25' IC with balanced connectors is gonna be a challenge. I'd certainly consider the 330+ II if I can find the right length/termination at a realistic price. As for the balance of the IC's in my system, my guess is my CDP and turntable IC's (YBA and Transparent respectively) are probably okay for now, and the Audioquest from tuner to preamp is fine since I really don't listen to FM that often and the source itself isn't anywhere near as revealing as the CDP & TT. At the price of audiophile wire, it's no wonder there are so many manufacturer's in the market, the margins have got to be sky high!
Jeff, What level of Transparent did they lend you? Try and get enough to hear the whole system with them.
My dealer lent me the Transparent MusicWave BiWire 10' Spade-to-spade, on the box it's marked MWBW 10 S>S and RV10D. This is only one of two Transparent speaker cables he has, the other one has bananas. He told me he's discounting the least few to get rid of them and he's going to start stocking bulk Van Den Hul and terminating them himself. He said selling Transparent and other like speaker cables is a pain cuz he never seems to have exactly what the customer wants (mix of length and terminations) and evidently the customer seldom ever wants to wait for him to order them up. This pair of MusciWave BiWire, which I'm in the process of breaking in, listed by the dealer for $570 and he's willing to sell them to me for $325 cash. Seems like a reasonable deal, and I get to try before I buy. In the meantime, I've taken the advice of some folks here on Audiogon and I'm going to get some MIT 330+ II IC's for my source components. Finally, once the dust settles I'll change my preamp to amp interconnect, but finding a reasonably priced 25' long balanced cable is going to take patience. Wires, the final tweak frontier....