Audiophile's New Year Resolutions?

Ok, I've spent a small fortune upgrading this past year (again). I am satisfied with all my current equipment. Plinius SA250 MKIV, Audio Research REF 2, Meridian 508.24 CDP, Dynaudio Contour 3.3's, NBS Monitor I speaker and XLR ic's, Black Diamond Shelves, Viper Powersnakes, etc. I do not need anything else. My system sounds great. I can be quite satisfied with what I have for at least a few years.

I will not logon to Audiogon daily, just to check the new classified listings. I can't imagine my system sounding any better. (Although, I'd like to get shorter speaker cables and maybe check out a dac and there's all those hundreds of albums that I always took extra care not to scratch that a new turnatable...)Oops!

Happy New Year!
My New Years Resolution is to attend the C.E.S/The SHOW in Las Vegas (Yeah...BABY!) I moved to Arizona in 2000, but couldn't attend in 2001 because I got dog sick. Already got a room and weaseled a C.E.S. admission tag! I'll be posting daily impressions...hopefully other AGON members will post, too! Happy Tunes!
Just as soon as I get the three big pieces ( Krell 600c, Wilson surrounds, dcs percel upsampler ) I swear I won't spend another dime on anything else.

Of course if Krell updates the five channel HTS to Seven, then I might do that and then of course I will need two more wilson surrounds......and then.... Oh the hell with it I'm screwed.
Sell off some of the extra tuners, preamps, interconnects, speaker cables, receivers, D/A converters, etc, etc, that are in various closets.
Don't replace anything that isn't broken and revisit all those old records that justify my continuing to own a turntable.
Pay off my credit cards before guys named Guido come knocking at my front door:~)