Audiophile's New Year Resolutions?

Ok, I've spent a small fortune upgrading this past year (again). I am satisfied with all my current equipment. Plinius SA250 MKIV, Audio Research REF 2, Meridian 508.24 CDP, Dynaudio Contour 3.3's, NBS Monitor I speaker and XLR ic's, Black Diamond Shelves, Viper Powersnakes, etc. I do not need anything else. My system sounds great. I can be quite satisfied with what I have for at least a few years.

I will not logon to Audiogon daily, just to check the new classified listings. I can't imagine my system sounding any better. (Although, I'd like to get shorter speaker cables and maybe check out a dac and there's all those hundreds of albums that I always took extra care not to scratch that a new turnatable...)Oops!

Happy New Year!
Sell off some of the extra tuners, preamps, interconnects, speaker cables, receivers, D/A converters, etc, etc, that are in various closets.
Don't replace anything that isn't broken and revisit all those old records that justify my continuing to own a turntable.
Pay off my credit cards before guys named Guido come knocking at my front door:~)
Think I'll just make bets with all the above posters that they won't keep their resolutions, and then use the winnings to fund MY addiction, heh, heh, ...

Best to everyone in 2002, it CAN'T be as expensive as 2001, can it?!

Grandpa Doug
Looks like were all in about the same boat.

Albert has had one good advantage over most of us though. It's hard to buy when your system is completely torn apart for quite a while. As such, he may have actually saved money by remodeling his listening room. Then again, i don't think the labor, parts and engineering were cheap, so he might be WORSE off than we are. Plus he's probably going through "withdrawals" from not having his system to play with : (

If i can work towards getting what i have to perform optimally in 2002, i'll be happy. If i can do it without buying much more, i'll be ECSTATIC : ) Sean