Does my acoustic ideology make me an outcast?

I tend to represent the younger crowd and have always found myself at odds with most Audiophiles. I like my music with heavy bass lines, thick mid bass, and sparkling highs.
Not your Andre Bose type stuff, I still believe in accurate reproduction of sound. I just believe a system should be able to mimic any thing from gunshots to whispers - with all the bandwidth and clarity it deserves.

Somehow I never heard that kind of action from a pair of 901's. So, am I the new generation kicking out the old while they cry, kick, and scream? Or could I just be the next evolution of audio..... even 8 tracks were the sh** when they came out, right?

Synesthesia Studios
Where did you pick up the idea that "audiophiles" have Bose 901s as their standard? Bose is perhaps the most dismissed consumer brand among those who take their audiophilia seriously.
While most 'audiophiles' reject Bose 901, there are plenty of other people that listen to music through it.
I suppose you should lay out on the line what gear you think it takes to get that sound you call perfect and then you can see if you will be considered an outcast or not. I'm sure if you do delve into the audiophile world your opinion 20 years from now will be a lot different than it is right now. As a studio guy myself and engineer one of the best things I ever did was discover hifi it taught me so much more about sound and mixing than I ever would have learned just through the pro audio world.
Not sure I can agree with you Onhwy. Gunshots and whispers are dynamically what classical music is in a nutshell. We considered 901s a joke as soon as they appeared.
You may want to investigate horn loaded loudspeakers. Generally speaking they have greater dynamic range and lower harmonic and IM distortion than direct radiators. However, everything has it's price and many horns can have colorations that some will find unacceptable.