Musical Fidelity A324 DAC as good as Tellig says?

I was wondering if anyone out there has purchased or heard the new Musical Fidelity A324 Upsampling DA Coververter yet? Sam Tellig raved about it in the April Recommended Components Issue of Stereophile. He placed it firmly in "Class A" saying it was about as good as any digital he's ever heard, at any price! And all for $1195. I have got to hear one of these units. I am currenly using a Arcam FMJ CD23 and I love it. I wonder how much of an improvement I might realize adding to the MF to my system. Any thoughts, comments, rants would be greatly appreciated.



Arcam FMJCD23
Melos Maestro Preamp
Musical Fidelity A3cr PowerAmp
B&W Nautilus 803's
Rel Strata Sub
Kimber select 1021 IC's
Kimber Monocle XL & Select 3033 (bi-wire)
Kimber PK 10 Gold Power Cables
It does ( Tellig's review) sound great, but listening is the only way. My Musical Fidelity dealership said that I can bring my CD player in any time and listen for myself. Can't beat that can you? I'm sure your dealership will do the same. I, too, was thinking of doing the Musical Fidelity Dac thing, but I don't like the idea of having another costly interconnect plus jitter possibilities. I am thinking (very strongly now, since speaking to some other audiophools) of going with the Audio Aeros Prima. One box, one killer sound. I don't know what the Arcam cost you, but even deeply discounted, you'll pay almost $900 for the DAC, a couple hundred dollars for a good interconnect, and probably some jitter reduction gizmo for another couple hundred dollars. Now if you sell the Arcam and put that money toward the Audio Aeros Prima CD player, I think that may not only be cost effective, but sonically speaking, the better move. Just another possibility for you to think about. This "Prima" CD player, I believe, is going to be a real killer. It sure has peaked my interest enough to forget about the DAC thing. At least for now.
Forget about the MF DAC, your FMJ23 is a great player. If you are looking for an upgrade get a second A3CR power amp and biamp your N803s. Having them myself I know that they could use a little more power than the one A3 can provide.
Don't let Tellig convince you that the grass is greener. He has a habit of convincing readers that the ordinary is extrordinary. The MF might be a improvement over the 23's DAC, but the 23 is really good alone and there are lots good upgrade options that you should not rule out.
Now the kicker here is: where do I upgrade? This is what happens. You asked about the MF and I start on the Prima. What that has to do with the MF I don't know. Someone else tells you to bi amp. Gurantee, someone will tell you to have a good look at preamp possibilites. That always helps a system. Before you know it: a whole new system. That's what I love about this hobby. Now, I'm not a B&W fan, but I'm not going there. That wouldn't do you any good. I like the idea of, if they do infact need the power, biamping before going the DAC route. I think, however, your CD player is a weak link. It might sound great, but why not greater; especially if you can do it in your price range. You, apparently, can do some cool things to your system, inexpensively. Listen, listen, listen. And then do what we tell you to do.