Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada

Sorry, fellow audiophiles in the great U.S.A. CANADA won the GOLD MEDAL in Men's Hockey...and in Women's hockey...leaving YOU GUYS 2nd best!

Wayne Gretzky for President!
Monday morning and my head hurts. Helluva game, an All-Star game with hitting and passion. The Olympics were terrific, kudos to the folks of Utah and all Americans! 16 days of various and sundry events are really just filler for the hockey games, eh? Hockey ticket: $425, Official jersey: $150, beer at the game: $75, four years of well earned bragging rights..... priceless
Chazzbo-you can't afford to forget the Brits in anything and more specifically regarding the Winter Olympics the Scots who won that Gold Medal at the curling.....
Way to go Canada. It was a great game. Even though us Americans lost, we lost to a great country and a very good hockey team. I am also proud of our Americans that did win the medals, they all worked hard for it.
Bluenose,I hope your right.
I have waited 32 years for The patriots to win they did.
Next up Canada delivered the goal.
Will the Leafs be next follwed by an Italy World Cup win?
I can only hope.
Natalie, maybe you need to check again. Last I checked, Canada was farther north than the US. I admit I haven't checked in awhile, things may have changed. Rgd, I've never been to those remote northern states, rumor has it that it's too damn cold.