Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada

Sorry, fellow audiophiles in the great U.S.A. CANADA won the GOLD MEDAL in Men's Hockey...and in Women's hockey...leaving YOU GUYS 2nd best!

Wayne Gretzky for President!
Jeff you have watched to much Canadians hockey this year.
The Leafs have grit desire.What they lack is One more defencmen.Sadly its the one who lost the sight in his Eye that could put them over the top.Brian Berard would have looked good in a USA uniform as well.
A few things in life are predictable, taxes, and the Leaf's NOT winning the Cup. Why should they go the extra mile, corporate Toronto will keep buying the season's tickets anyway. The Nordiques went to Denver and The Jets to Phoenix. We're losing teams to the almighty buck and the game has become so watered down it's not worth watching. Hockey today doesn't really resemble what it once was, I vote we go back to six teams and pay the players $50k/year max
I wish all hockey was played with that intensity. Great win for waiting 50 long years. Do you think the Canadians whined a little too much about the pairs skaters? Kind of tarnished the whole affair