Starting Analog...

NAD C350 / Quad 21Ls

local dealer sells Project turntables - didn't get the model number but offered it to me for $350CDN(265US) New and a NAD PP-2 Phono Stage $160CDN(120US).

Flea Markets and local pawnshops are dry for TTs and Ebay isn't super apealing to me. Any thoughts on the Project line of TTs and this phono-stage?

Sound like a good way to start up?
Oh yeah, be very, very, carefull. Next thing you know" I can get this TT for $1800 and the pre for $1200, does that sound good"
Walk away from the vinyl now...before you fall in like I did. Started with a Music Hall MMF-7, and a Channel Island phono preamp. Now I'm into a VPI Scout w/Dynavector 20XH, and a Graham Slee ERA Gold MkV/Elevator EXP. I have a Shelter 501 II on the way...then I'm going to stop ;-)
Vinyl is a hassle--let's face it. Unless you already have a lot of records that *you* like and/or access to cheap ones it's not worth it. To top it off, one needs an analog rig that will be up to the rest of your equipment. I don't say this to discourage you, as I have three times more LP records vs CDs, but it's just a matter of numbers. Performance wise, my digital and analog rigs are pretty much in balance with each other.