Starting Analog...

NAD C350 / Quad 21Ls

local dealer sells Project turntables - didn't get the model number but offered it to me for $350CDN(265US) New and a NAD PP-2 Phono Stage $160CDN(120US).

Flea Markets and local pawnshops are dry for TTs and Ebay isn't super apealing to me. Any thoughts on the Project line of TTs and this phono-stage?

Sound like a good way to start up?
Walk away from the vinyl now...before you fall in like I did. Started with a Music Hall MMF-7, and a Channel Island phono preamp. Now I'm into a VPI Scout w/Dynavector 20XH, and a Graham Slee ERA Gold MkV/Elevator EXP. I have a Shelter 501 II on the way...then I'm going to stop ;-)
Vinyl is a hassle--let's face it. Unless you already have a lot of records that *you* like and/or access to cheap ones it's not worth it. To top it off, one needs an analog rig that will be up to the rest of your equipment. I don't say this to discourage you, as I have three times more LP records vs CDs, but it's just a matter of numbers. Performance wise, my digital and analog rigs are pretty much in balance with each other.
the greatest thing in the world, but these guys(and girls?) are right. in november 02 started with a few records, a project 1.2, and a project phono box pre. now, less than 2 years later, i have a vpi scout/benz glider l2 table/cart, a dynavector p-75 phono, ugraded electronics and speakers, a nitty gritty cleaner, and a just got a vpi sds(everything they say is true about this beast-wonderful!) not to mention about 700-800 records. and of course, all the acessories(man, that record research labs cleaning fluid is great, but it goes fast and it ain't cheap). i'd say there's 2 ways to look at it. if you have the money/or dyi spirit, and the inclination, and you love music, than by all means get started. once it's all in place and you're spinning, it truly does blow away digital. on the other hand, it requires some committment to the routine of cleaning, tweaking, etc.

good luck!
I started with no albums a year ago. I sold all of my albums in the early 80's. Since the year has gone, I have already upgraded my vinyl rig once. I think it has increased my pleasure of this hobby 100%. Once a month I go to a local store that gets vinyl from the Bop Shop out of Rochester NY. I buy about 10 - 15 albums a month. I must have 500 albums now.
Just go into it with a level head. If you are like me ( obsesive, compulsive) You better get you finances in order because it is a wild ride.
And NO, Cd doesn't come close!!!