Vinyl, should I take the plunge?

I've assembled my dream system over the last 10 years, a nice mark levinson system with b&w n802 speakers. I've been contemplating the next step, vinyl, sacd, dvd audio. I've heard good vinyl and know how good it is, but have lingering questions...

1) What are some web sites that sell vinyl. I'd really like to see what I can buy. New releases? My old classics? I need to really see what's available and what peoples opinions are for the future. I tend to classic rock, jazz, blues, classical, and some new age music.

2) I have a 15 month old and am planning at least one more. Am I nuts for even considering vinyl (wife speaking)? I haven't had many problems so far, but my little guy just started walking a month ago. Have others successfully raised kids w/o major repairs to their vinyl or dream audio system? Or do I just need to accept that some bad things are bound to happen and start saving :( ?

I'm not convinced sacd/dvd audio are all that they are cracked up to be. Both from software that is available (limited) and the fact that so much of the software available is a crap shoot depending on how it was mixed/sampled. Comments for those w/ sacd?

Thanks in advance...


I did take the plunge. I got a technics SL-DD33 table for free from a friend. Hadn't been used for 10 years I'd guess. Plugged it into an old denon receiver and put up some used LP's and liked what I heard. Had some jazz with good strings and percussion and it rocked. Better then cd's even on this crap analog system. I upgraded my phone preamp to graham slee mk gold unit and the quality of my vinyl rig went up orders of magnitude.

My little guy is two years old now and just kill my #37 transport. He can reach it and did well for the last year just hitting play. He got more comforitable and harder to watch and I think must have pushed hard on the drawer and got it screwed up some how (sigh).

He can't reach the turntable cause it's up on the top of the eq rack.

I need cables and badly need a record cleaner. Eventually, I'll upgrade the table but kids put a major crimp on the old hifi budget for now. People complain about saving for college. Well I've got news for you... Damn day care is more expensive. I'll be happy when I can get to paying for college and have some spending money from what I'll be saving from day care :) (yes I know by the time he's in college inflation will have made my argument mute...)

Back to chasing my 2 year old. More as time allows...

Woops! now you've gone and done it! gotten your first vinyl rig and started the whole upgrade process. Well you can't say nobody warned you.
Shhh, not so loud. My wife might hear you... I don't think she's noticed the new vinyl preamp. That mk gold unit is tiny. That was a small part of the reason I chose that one. Well, that and the cost and the favorable reviews... Let's see, cartridges and arms are small. Easy to sneak by. Only problem is that darned record cleaner. That ones going to be a little harder to get by her.

What's the big deal, not like I'm blowing my hard earned cash on cocaine or any thing...

My addiction is (hifi) is costlier...

Jjurich, this may be off topic, but I couldn't help but notice your incident with the 2 year old and your transport. I also have a 2 year son, as well as a 6 month old, and my saving grace was investing in an audio rack with a door, which I subsequently baby-proofed.
SZdatch. Turns out there is like 30 days left on my warranty. So hopefully, it will be covered. The audio rack w/ a door is a great idea.

I may connect up an el-cheapo dvd player to the system and turn the #37 side wise or some thing. Though I suppose the IR remote will be a problem w/ that. That way he can still put his baby music cd's in. You know, I'm amazed at the fidelity of some of these cd's. The bass line in itsy bitsy spider really rocks through N802's...

Dratt. Not sure what to do. I want to encourage him in my hobby, but damnit, not if he's going to kill my cd's and transport.