VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?

So, let's say you have about $1,800 to spend. Would you go for the the VPI Scout with the the Dynavector Cartridge or a J. Michell Technodec with Rega RB-300 arm and a Grado Platnium cartridge?
Please consider Teres 135 in your hunt. Way better than the two even with all the upgrades you will do. I had a fully tweaked Scout and my brother a well upgraded Gyrodec. No contest.
>> had a fully tweaked Scout and my brother a well upgraded Gyrodec. No contest.

I recently switched to a Gyro SE from a Teres 255ish and I have to disagree with that statement. I find the Gyro to be different, but not worse, than a teres. One of the areas the Gyro is different than the teres is in the PRAT department, and some might prefer the Gyro is this respect. Funny thing is I used to have a Gyro before the Teres and at first I thought the teres was better in a no contest way, but after long term listening I welcome back the refresing perspective of the Gyro over the teres.