VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?

So, let's say you have about $1,800 to spend. Would you go for the the VPI Scout with the the Dynavector Cartridge or a J. Michell Technodec with Rega RB-300 arm and a Grado Platnium cartridge?
>> had a fully tweaked Scout and my brother a well upgraded Gyrodec. No contest.

I recently switched to a Gyro SE from a Teres 255ish and I have to disagree with that statement. I find the Gyro to be different, but not worse, than a teres. One of the areas the Gyro is different than the teres is in the PRAT department, and some might prefer the Gyro is this respect. Funny thing is I used to have a Gyro before the Teres and at first I thought the teres was better in a no contest way, but after long term listening I welcome back the refresing perspective of the Gyro over the teres.
Your impressions are interesting Bmckenney. I have heard both the 135 and the Gyro, though not for an extended time in my home. I thought the Gyro was far and away superior to the 135, myself. In fact, while I do like the Teres 200 series tables, I don't really care all that much for the 100 series. Interesting that you went back to the SE after the 255. Was it soley on the basis of PRAT?
I haven't heard hear the Tecno or Scout in person. People seem to rave over the Scout, but what little I've heard of the Tecno has also been quite positive. If it's anything like Michell's other tables, I bet it would be a damn good one. I understand the Tecno does use the Gyro's inverted bearing, platter (minus the weights) and DC motor--all very good signs. Both 'tables are upgradeable and I doubt you'd be disappointed with either. If you can listen to either in person, I think that would be the best way to decide, though if it's not a possiblility, then I understand your pain--pickins are slim in my area and I've taken a chance on gear more than once;)
Hey, Doc: What tonearm/cartridge for the Teres? I'm pretty flexible in terms of preamps, as I don't even have one yet.

>>Was it soley on the basis of PRAT?

Sort of. In addition to that, I believe that the target wall mount and shelves (custom Skylan and/or Neuance) I have were not the best match for a high mass deck so its an implementation/environment thing for me too. But I would say that I'm now a believer in the 'theory' that high mass decks rob music of the life/prat/essence of music on vinyl. I don't see that teres does anything to handle resonance other than throwing lots of mass at it and this results in a dull presentation that I personally find boring and takes away one of the important reasons I love vinyl. I also I feel the wood plinth and armboards are not machined to a high tolerance and this can affect the arm if its out of tolerance, but this can be addressed with some shimming so it wasn't the real signficant factor in my decision.