Is my DVD player POSSESSED?

My theta DaViD is starting to act strange. It refused to read a DVD the other night. It made 3 clicking sounds then spit the disc out.(So much for that movie) It worked ok on the next two or three movies,then last night it spit out another movie after the picture started freezing and skipping.(About half way through) I have checked these discs in another player and they work fine. The problem occurs in the same place every time. I have wiped the disc and have ruled out any problem with the software. Any easy fix short of sending the piece back to THETA? (Currently 6 week turn around time) Thanks in advance
Glen, what's up. I ran into the same problem with my Sony dvp-s9000es player, it plays part way through the DVD until a certain spot and then it shuts down and spits the disc out, HUH???? I tried it in both my parents and my brothers player and it works fine, I have no clue what is happening. But I have not seen the end of the movie contact in 6 months or so, kinda weird.
Thanks SD and be sure to thank Dr. Science for me. Now it makes sense. It played HANIBAL no problem. (No subliminal message necessary). But then when I tried to watch HORSE WHISPERER that's when the devil showed his horns. I fear with the local witch doctor out of town. (Black magic seminar) That I may have no choice but to schedule a seance at the "Church of Theta" Wish me luck and please pray for my poor poor DaViD.

I don't suppose a little holy water would help at this point?
I've experienced a similar problem that may (read MAY) be solved by simply powering the player down, and then unplugging it for a few minutes and plugging it back in. My player exhibited this problem about a week after it was out of warranty (about 9 months ago). It started out by refusing to read the occasional dis (although it never locked or froze in the middle of discs-this problem may be related to something else) and over the course of a couple of weeks got to the point of not reading anything. My owner's manual actually suggest unplugging the player in the trouble shooting section (but who reads manuals!), as this essentially reboots or resets the player. I still run into the odd situation where the player freezes when I load a disc, maybe once every month or two, and unplugging it and plugging it back in solves the problem. I would also suggest cleaning every rental DVD with some kind of a commercial cleaner, as most of these discs don't look too good to me. I clean every one I rent, plus treat them with Auric Illuminator, and in 2 years of heavy use (both CD and DVD), I've only had 2 movies that froze in the middle of playback.
I use my Theta Carmen as a CD transport as well as DVD player, and I also have found some weirdness. It skips more often than other players, and just last night spit out Watermark (which no other player has refused to play). I think the Theta stuff must be very VERY sensitive to minor flaws. When I asked the Theta tech, he suggested making sure the disc is properly centered. I believe the devil theory, although I conjecture that the government is involved. You see, there is this...uh-oh, they're coming for me...
HDM, I tried unplugging the unit. I have found that to work on pre-amps before but no luck on the DaViD. I will see about picking up some of that cleaner you recommend. Dbwl sounds like a typical tech answer. Have you thought about sending the piece in? Maybe it just doesn't like ENYA? I thought about compressed air or possibly a DVD player cleaning disc. But those scare the hell out of me more than the devil himself. I was able to hop over the bad track #13(Coincidence,I think not) And finish watching the rest of the movie. If this problem gets any worse it's back to the factory OH BOY!!!