Speaker Cable for Avalon Eidolons

I'm looking to upgrade my speaker cables (currently Audio Magic Socerer). My amp is an Accuphase A-50v. I'm looking for a fairly neutral cable as I am not trying to correct any system deficiency. My dealer is recommending Tara the Ones and was wondering what all you "Audiogoners" think.
..i would not buy a speaker cable without trying the HMS 'gran finale' cables.i compared a complete valhalla system with a complete HMS system and liked the HMS cables better.they are that good.christian brouwer is the us distributer and a great gut and gives a 30-day money back guarantee with the cables. i have encouraged 4 audiophile friends to try them and everyone of them bought them saying they were the best they had ever heard. try them..
I use NBS Omega speaker cables with great results (my amp is Pass X350 and pre is Ayre K1; I am mentioning this only because I have not heard your Accuphase which may have a different sound).

IMO, the Omegas are a great match for the Eidolons. They bring out the best in these speakers. The Omegas are very revealing though. A poorly recorded or mastered disc will find little mercy.

If you like a leaner sound or want to keep the spending in check, look for used NBS Monitor 1 (used because the Monitor series has been discontinued).
I'm running my Eidolon's with Alpha-Core/Goertz AG-1 (silver) speaker cables connected to Atma-Sphere MA-2 amps. Its a nice match. But matching the speaker cable to the amplifier is as, if not more, critical than the match of the cables to the speakers.

My dealer speaks very highly of mating the Cardas Neutral Reference (or Golden reference depending on your amp), and I must say the sound in his show room was excellent.
I used Tara The Ones cables with a Rowland 8TiHC and Avalon Opus for about a year. I bought them based on a recommendation from the Avalon dealer who I bought my Opus from. They are about as neutral as any cable I used. Actually the same dealer feels that the Accuphase A-50V in combination with Avalons(Eidolon & Opus)connected by Taras is an exceptional combination. I don't know what you are using for a preamp, if you are using one, but Tara ics are supposedly first rate also. If your dealer will let you audition the Tara cables, at least you'll be able to see for yourself if that's the quailty of sound you like. Personally I liked the cables very much. Are there cables out there that will do a "better" job? Probably so, but that might just be a matter of personal preference. I guess that's why they make so many different cables...just so we have something to look forward to experimenting with. Enjoy the journey!!!
Guys,Guys,Guys---what matters is the cable-amplifier interaction. Its an amplifier cable, not a speaker cable! (Rushton is correct). Call Avalon and talk to them-they've used most cables on the market and who best would know what works with their products? Be wary of other folks' opinions. Some want to push a product they use, but they may not have tried many cables themselves. Some may want to push a particular dealer's products.