Budget DAC

In my home theatre setup I have a Pioneer DVD,and an old Phillips(880)CD player.Is there a DAC under 1000.00(used or new)that would make a noticeable improvement.Is there anything out there that has 2 inputs,so I could run both(DVD and CD) into it.I appreciate any advice.Thanks,and Happy Holidays. John
Ag insider logo xs@2xkrelldog
MSB Link DAC III. Very upgradeable later. $350 new. Used available on eBay all the time for $250 to $300. The earlier Link and Link II are the same, just not as upgradeable. They sell used for $175 to $225. The link stock link DAC has both optical and coax input, and will automatically switch between the two when it gets a signal. So I guess to run them both without disconnecting, one would need an optical out. The upgraded Link DAC III also takes the balanced AES/EBU connection.
I'm currently using a Pioneer DVD player into an Electronic Visionary Sytems Millennium DAC. I had previously been using a modified Link DAC, and the EVS DAC is clearly at another level in terms of dynamics, imaging, soundstage, and transparency. At $1050 it's also significantly more expensive, but you definately get what you pay for(superior parts, execution, and jitter reduction) and you can always return it if it doesn't dramatically improve your system. With the Millennim DAC you'll get fantastic results with your DVD player as a transport, so you can pretty much ditch the Philips and not look back. Best of luck.

You also might consider getting the Pioneer modified by Stan Warren or Dan Wright - whether you use it as a stand-alone or a transport. Everyone seems to speak highly of both.