Quit vinyl?

I'm in the process of upgrading my system, and looking for a new amp. All modern amps have only line inputs, so I either have to keep my Rotel RQ 970 pre-pre, or find a suitable amp. Now I asked myself how often I use my turntable, and that is not much, actually: almost never. So should I quit vinyl, sell mu turntable and pre-pre, which also will provide some extra cash, or do you guys reckon I will kick myself in the head in a couple of years? Any experiences? BTW, it's not a question of sound quality, just convenience and space, and I own about 400 records....

Thanx, Satch.
Well, if you are not using the TT, then obviously either you don't think the sound quality improvement is significant, or you feel the convenience of digital is more important.

In any case, if you don't use it, then you are not getting use from your investment.

If you don't think that you are going to go back to using the TT, then sell it.
I feel your pain. Now pack up all that analog garbage and ship it to me. I'll let you know how it sounds later so you'll be glad that you took my advice.

Seriously, I assume that your talking preamps here. I agree that most pre's these days do not include a phono stage but there are some very good, reasonably priced phono stages that will plug into your Rotel's aux input.

Since you don't seem interested in enjoying vinyl now, big mistake IMHO, haven't you answered your own question? I sounds like you feel there is some circumstance or issue that will change in the future that would cause you to play your Thorens more. You'll have to fill us in some more.