My New Bel Canto DAC 2's just outta the box, and it certainly needs some break-in, but here's my initial reaction. All obsevations are meant to be comparisons with the DAC 1.1. Most importantly the DAC 2 significantly deepens the soundstage. I'd even go so far as saying that it's 30/40 percent deeper. Next, vocals both male and female, are clearer and a little more forward. It seems that the DAC 2 has lost some of the 1.1's liquidity and therefore is a little less musical. On the other hand the occasional muffling that the 1.1 is guilty of has disappeared. I'll get back after some significant break-in. Cheers.
Tbadder - Thank you much for your through evaluation. I am still on the fence on this one but you have successfully described the sonic differences between the 1.1 and the 2 in a most credible manner. I really love the 1.1 but can relate to your statement about boredom and sameness. I guess I'll try that art/dio upgrade for now and see what happens.

Best of luck Tubegroover and remember to post your findings. I would be very interested in learning more about the art/dio.
Now that you have had your player for a week, are you still enjoying it? I will be interested in your reviews after the dust settles a bit and you are living with your new DAC day in and day out. Maybe one month from now.......
Pardales:Since I let the DAC run continuously for a week it is well-burned in. What I said in my last post is holding true. But there is a single caveat, I've now upgraded my power cords to Virtual Dynamics References, and am in the process of breaking them in. So anything I say now must be taken with a grain of salt--but I must say that my greatest joy so far has been rediscovering old CDs that were unlistenable because they were shrill or muddled. Now I'm discovering new layers of instrumentation, lyrics I never heard before, and a tonal balance that I never expected.
Are the power cords you upgraded too going into the DAC or elsewhere? I'll be curious to hear what difference it makes....Thanks for your thorough review and comments...