My New Bel Canto DAC 2's just outta the box, and it certainly needs some break-in, but here's my initial reaction. All obsevations are meant to be comparisons with the DAC 1.1. Most importantly the DAC 2 significantly deepens the soundstage. I'd even go so far as saying that it's 30/40 percent deeper. Next, vocals both male and female, are clearer and a little more forward. It seems that the DAC 2 has lost some of the 1.1's liquidity and therefore is a little less musical. On the other hand the occasional muffling that the 1.1 is guilty of has disappeared. I'll get back after some significant break-in. Cheers.
Now that you have had your player for a week, are you still enjoying it? I will be interested in your reviews after the dust settles a bit and you are living with your new DAC day in and day out. Maybe one month from now.......
Pardales:Since I let the DAC run continuously for a week it is well-burned in. What I said in my last post is holding true. But there is a single caveat, I've now upgraded my power cords to Virtual Dynamics References, and am in the process of breaking them in. So anything I say now must be taken with a grain of salt--but I must say that my greatest joy so far has been rediscovering old CDs that were unlistenable because they were shrill or muddled. Now I'm discovering new layers of instrumentation, lyrics I never heard before, and a tonal balance that I never expected.
Are the power cords you upgraded too going into the DAC or elsewhere? I'll be curious to hear what difference it makes....Thanks for your thorough review and comments...
My DAC is installed in the pre-amp, so in a way the powercord is going to the DAC. I'll update in another week or so.