need help - Cd players

I'm thinking of getting a CD player in the range of $600 to $700.

I've been researching on what to buy but still no definite answer.
I've look at tubed-players (AMC, Jolida, Heart, AH! and Norh) and solid-states like Rotel 971 and NAD 541.

I can't auditioned much players as a local hifi shop does not carry most of them. The other hifi shop only stocks pioneer and yamaha brands. :-\

So I will have to decide based on suggestions and instinc. :)

If you have better suggestions, please reply to this thread.

Thank you in advance. :)

I would check out a used CAL(California Audio Lab)Icon MkII CD Player. Wonderful sounding CD Player. Warm and musical.
Well-built and reliable. Detachable power cord.(Replace stock cord) Highly recommended.Bill
The Norh comes from the same Thai manufacturer as the CAL players and is supposed to be the same transport and DAC as the Delta models. It adds a tube to the circuit which could be quite nice. I don't know how it compares to the Tjoeb or Heart, and I'm not sure how long it takes to receive one. I've never heard anyone rave about an AMC, so I'd stick with one of the others.

As far as tube versus SS...that would probably depend on the rest of your system.
First you have a possibility to audition few of listed if you call upscale audio or audioadvisor for 30 days. Among your list I would vote for AH! and you can buy it from upscale and audition for 30 days. There is a digital volume control which you would probably want to keep at its highest level for the best performance.

I hope you'll get more answers and more options.