Best Phono Pre for Teres

Well after reading and listening I finally bought the Teres
340. Triplaner arm and ZYX UNIverse cart.- What do you guys rec. for a pre- I was thinking of the Lamm, Audio Research ref.,or whatever else you guys can recommend- I am using a all tube system- thanks,gary
Raul, this statement is pure bullshit on your part. "it is only that is imposible to have a good all tube phono preamplifier because the physics laws do that the tube devices unfit for". It is obvious to me that you know absolutely nothing about the "Laws of Physics". BTW, I have a MS degree in physical chemistry from Stanford University and have taken several courses in physics.
Cmo I think there's a difference between using tubes in a guitar amp (where distortion is desirable) and using tubes in a hifi amp (where it is undesirable). I do support your point that tubes often play a vital part in recording though.

My view is that it's futile to generalise - there are as many colored tube amps out there as there are colored ss designs.
Flyingred, Who say's everyone who plays guitar through a tube amp is playing through it becouse it distorts........ Ever heard Les Paul??
Distortion vs clean aside, even a tubed guitar amp that does great cleans is singing because of tube distortion. I wouldn't want a precise amplification of strat solid body guitar because it would sound dry. If you have a hollow body jazz box you might want only the guitar to speak and a good choice then is the Acoustic Image solid state amp preferred by some jazz notables. Solid state. They want to hear only their guitar.
How about the new Tron Syren (see recent 6 moons review). This is a fantastic tube pre-amp. It has standard line inputs as well as a top notch tube phon section with user adjustable gain. It is essentailly a bespoke preamp with short signal paths, special components and transformers and battleship build quality. It sound fantastic is very, very quiet, even on phono.