Will the Big Ben improve the 24 MXL?

I don't know if i should purchase one or not?
Tabl10s: Jerry has maintained to me that the rca inputs are the best-sounding digital inputs in his stock units, at least in the 34 and 2400 series; as for outputs, I only have single-ended anyway, I guess the new units have balanced, but my bet is he likes the single-ended better. Is the 24MXL a true balanced design? As far as PCs go, the two best I have used with this DAC are the Kubala Sosna Emotion and the K-Works Dynamo power cords, with the TG SLVRs close behind; I have had excellent results in ICs with K-Works Phantoms, NBS Omega and Kubala Sosna Emotions. I don't think Jerry's into designing transports, only the DACs so far (though he did design the original Jadis DACS).

Sutts, I think your Vecteur is an excellent match with the AL, so you may not be losing that much to the Forsells and CECs; I find that the more "analog-sounding" of the transports seem to sound best with it. The Forsell is the most analog-like transport I've ever found, and even though its tendency to go crazy when you have dust on a disc drives me up the wall at times, I still wouldn't want to give it up. If you're ever down this way from Toronto, feel free to drop by, you can hear what it sounds like as a combination. I've had the two (in one iteration or another) for 10 years now, and I'm still amazed at how good they sound together.
Regarding the choice of digital inputs, JO has said exactly the same thing to me; that his preference is rca coax; and he seemed to be very clear on that preference.

In my own experience, with my 34, using identical length and brand interconnects in direct comparison, the AES/EBU input is my hands down preference.
As you know, JO designed the Altis. I don't know if Howard Mandel tweaked the dac to sound better with ATT, but that was his preference. I just had an epiphany! If i don't upgrade the dac, i can then spend extra on the BB+ cables versus just 1k for the upgrade. YEAH! Wait a minute...
"If i don't upgrade the dac, i can then spend extra on the BB+ cables versus just 1k for the upgrade. YEAH! Wait a minute..."

Tabl10s- if you've got $$$ to burn, buy Jerry's DAC and
don't waste time on the BB+cables. I haven't heard Jerry's
DAC, but IMO less boxes and and cables=better digital performance.
I was joking when i said that. An upgraded Altis is the equal of the MXL and is better looking too.