Will the Big Ben improve the 24 MXL?

I don't know if i should purchase one or not?
Regarding the choice of digital inputs, JO has said exactly the same thing to me; that his preference is rca coax; and he seemed to be very clear on that preference.

In my own experience, with my 34, using identical length and brand interconnects in direct comparison, the AES/EBU input is my hands down preference.
As you know, JO designed the Altis. I don't know if Howard Mandel tweaked the dac to sound better with ATT, but that was his preference. I just had an epiphany! If i don't upgrade the dac, i can then spend extra on the BB+ cables versus just 1k for the upgrade. YEAH! Wait a minute...
"If i don't upgrade the dac, i can then spend extra on the BB+ cables versus just 1k for the upgrade. YEAH! Wait a minute..."

Tabl10s- if you've got $$$ to burn, buy Jerry's DAC and
don't waste time on the BB+cables. I haven't heard Jerry's
DAC, but IMO less boxes and and cables=better digital performance.
I was joking when i said that. An upgraded Altis is the equal of the MXL and is better looking too.
Elberoth2- for jitter interfaces, I have owned and tested the DCS Purcell; GW Labs DSP; and Assemblage D2D-1

Tabl10s- be careful on that last statement- not sure Jerry himself would agree with that

Kana813- great advice for Tabl10s- buy the AL dac and simplify- couldn't agree more!

RCprince- 'K-Works IsobaseK'??!! sounds interesting- I am currently using an older Rosinante 'Dark Matter' slab under my 24MXL. ALso- your choice of IC's is very cool, but a bit $$$ for me unfortunately- I am still using HT Pro Silway II from dac to pre and happy with it...