Sacd / Dvda universal players

I have been looking to get a universal player these are the following I know about that are out or are coming out. Does anyone know of any I am missing or have any opinions or information about them

Yamaha DVD-S2300 MSRP 1000.00
Onkyo DV-SP800 MSRP 800.00
Marantz DV8300 MSRP 1499.00
Pioneer 47Ai MSRP 1200.00
Denon DVD-2900 MSRP 999.00
Integra DPS 8.3 MSRP 1200.00

Audiophile Reference Class:

Denon DVD-9000 MSRP 3495.00
Lexicon RT-10 MSRP 3495.00
Teac esoteric 50 MSRP 5500.00
Muse model 10
McCormack audio udp-1 est 3495.00
Msb Technology MSRP 7995.00 this is also a preamp/processor
Bel Canto est 8-10K
Linn Unidisk est 8-11K
well I settled on a philip dv963a. I looked at available software and didnt really see much dvda for the moment. I like sacd better and Thought well, I spend $400 now and wait a year to see all of these universal players get sorted out. Then I will buy a reference piece. The sacd portion of it is pretty good and the dvd video is great. So it should get me through the year. thanks for all the help
The Denon, which has yet to be released, looks really promising. DSD digital converters and 17 pounds to boot.
Can't wait to check one out.
Only the Teac Esoteric 50 MSRP at all interests me. I have not heard it, but many who have say it is extraordinary. I have a Lindemann and have ordered a Meitner, so I doubt that I will try it any time soon.
I thought about the DV-50 as well, but after several calls to TEAC I can't get a straight answer about future service and support. One time they say Esoteric is being reintroduced to the US market, then whien I ask who the dealers will be they call back and left a message saying there were no plans to sell them in the US. I love some of TEACs gear and the DV-50 looks like the best thing currently made, but I'm not going to spend $5K and not have a repairable transport.

I've got a Pioneer Elite DV-47Ai home for audition this weekend and so far I really like what I hear. It's not the DV-50 in terms of quality of build, but as Eldartford said, it's a good unit (similar to the one he recommended, but newer) for the $800 the dealer said it will be if I keep it and I can wait to shell out several K until the format wars settle out.
I have a feeling that next year at this time there are going to be more universal players than you can shake a stick at. They will all be pretty darn good by then and prices will have dropped as well. The second generation of player will have also sorted out all of the weakness of the first ones. Can we wait thats the really big question? Hopefully by next year new releases will be sacd/cd or cd/dvda the day they come out. Will see.....