Anyone tried new VH Audio Air Sine Cable?

I'm a great fan of Chris' cables. Wondering if any of you have any impressions of the new Air Sine power cable you could share?

In my system the AirSine is quiet, relaxed, full and rich. Other power cords I own have a bit more top end and are less full sounding. I don't think either is "best". It's just a matter of what you like.
I concur with Tvad, these cables are aptly named, 'air' being the relevant term here!
I replaced the stock Sidewinder on my Shunyata Hydra (orig) with one of Chris's AirSine cables about a month ago. I haven't had time to writeup a full review but I have done some A/Bing between the Sidewinder and the AirSine...

The improvements were substantial and obvious, but perhaps the biggest improvement in my system was in definition -- each instrument and voice became far better defined in a 3D space. I've listened to numerous different PCs (VH Audio Flavor 4, JPS, Shunyata, etc...) in my system and I don't recall ever hearing such a dramatic improvement as wrought by the AirSine.

Because of the custom NEMA connector needed for the Hydra, I'm unable to try the AirSine on other components. It's not a cheap cable but if it fits your budget, ya just gotta try it. Chris is now also burning these in ahead of time so you won't need more than a few days to hear what it can do in your system.
Is there a recipe posted for the AirSine? How is it different from his Flavors?