Digital as good or better than YOUR analog?

Just curious how many here believe they have surpassed the performance of their analog sources; aliveness, ease, depth, grainlessness, delicacy, scale etc. with their redbook cd playback. I'm closer than ever. I call my digital playback, power analogue, and with the latest technology for less and less money I would love to hear how others are percieving the measures of; palpability(music breathes with naturalness), seductiveness, shadings of recording room que's, vibrancy, etc. with their standard CD digital playback. Thanks
As with anything, it depends on the products being compared. Go with what you like best. Both formats have their strong points.
Spudco, how do voices compare in your system.

Twl, I'm not asking for recommendations. I'm asking for impressions within THEIR own systems between analog and digital. Thanks everyone so for your thoughts.
My digital with best recordings is getting closer to my analog, but not close enough to make a mistake and at a serious cost.
My redbook digital rig is very good and I enjoy listening to it a lot; my SACD playback is even better. Both of these rigs have substantial advantages in certain areas over my Basis/Graham/Koetsu analog rig, particularly in the areas of bass extension and control and, with SACD, dynamics. But when I want to truly relax, forget about soundstaging, equipment, cables, etc. and get lost in the music, I still turn to vinyl. Can't quantify it, but it's just more involving.
My system may not be a fair comparison, but I prefer digital in most respects. However, my analog rig (VPI HW-19 Jr./RB300) is not really up to my digital source (GamuT CD-1S).