Transport with volume control?

I'm interested in trying the built in dac option on my Goldmund 18.4's and would love to find a transport with a volume control.
I need to be able to send the attenuated digital signal straight to the amps converters.
Wadia CD players have digital volume controls and digital outputs which you could then connect to your amp's digital inputs. You could also try any standard transport and use the Goldmund's attenuator control.
If your amp has a DAC built in, I think that will be a intergrated amp (pre and power in to one) and it will have volume control on it.
My dealer said that Weiss would produce a transport with volume control in a few mounths,maybe it is on line now.
Although that is technically possible, I have never heard of a CDT with build-in digital volume control. If you wanna run your DACs directly to the power amps, you may consider Z-Systems RDP-1 or TacT RCS for digital attenuation purposes. I have had the TacT RCS on loan, and inserted between my Theta CDT and Theta DAC, RCS sounded much better than my Krell KRC-3 preamp.
Thanks all for the helpful information. My understanding is that the course VC on the Goldmund is more of a level match than useful line attenuation hence the need to have some form oof extenal atenuation.
I will pursue some of the routes suggested.