Transport with volume control?

I'm interested in trying the built in dac option on my Goldmund 18.4's and would love to find a transport with a volume control.
I need to be able to send the attenuated digital signal straight to the amps converters.
If your amp has a DAC built in, I think that will be a intergrated amp (pre and power in to one) and it will have volume control on it.
My dealer said that Weiss would produce a transport with volume control in a few mounths,maybe it is on line now.
Although that is technically possible, I have never heard of a CDT with build-in digital volume control. If you wanna run your DACs directly to the power amps, you may consider Z-Systems RDP-1 or TacT RCS for digital attenuation purposes. I have had the TacT RCS on loan, and inserted between my Theta CDT and Theta DAC, RCS sounded much better than my Krell KRC-3 preamp.
Thanks all for the helpful information. My understanding is that the course VC on the Goldmund is more of a level match than useful line attenuation hence the need to have some form oof extenal atenuation.
I will pursue some of the routes suggested.
The McCormack SST-1 has digital volume control (this is a fact-I own one). However, when lowering the volume this way, you would essentially be throwing away resolution. My one word suggestion: DON'T!