Were to go after a Rega Planet 2000?


I have a planet 2000 and enjoy its sound. I like its tone, PRAT, timber etc... but I want more of it. I find that the Rega lacks authority when playing. It still sounds like a CD player (and a CD player at that) but not live music. I want something that has the good qualities of the Rega, but just expands on them. I want a player to take control and give me music which leaves little to none to complain about.

I really like my friends Wadia, but I simply can't afford one.
I love the way it portrays the music.

My budget is $750-$1000 plus what ever I can sell me Rega for.

I have been suggested the Sony DVP-9000es. From what I have read it is reasonably priced and sounds good. But it's a Sony, and I am unsure about it.

I will consider everything, my only request is no tubes. I think they are better served in the preamp. Thoughts and opinions welcome.

The Prima will smoke the Rega hands down and it would be garanteed that you will like it a lot better. I've owned both for a long time and it's way better. Something else to consider would be the Arcam FMJ DV27A. I think I ultimately would take it over the Prima, it's just a little tighter and extended, plus if you care it plays DVDs with awesome pictuer quality.

Another thing to consider with the Prima is the fact that it does have a tube output with soldered in tubes that require replacement every two years. You will have to send it back to an Audio Aero tech to do this, the sound will gradualy degrade, so it won't be totally obvious when the tubes are going.
FWIW my Muse CD player trounced the Sony SACD player. Have also read terrific things about the Quad CDP and almost bought one myself but it did not have DVD so I got Muse which is neck and neck with a $5500 Electrocompaniet.
A Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 can be had used for about $1,000 (it listed for $3,750).

It is a truly excellent CD player by most anyone's standards.

It uses tubes in the output stage. Were you once electrocuted by tubes? I can think of no good reason to be against tubes in a CD player or a DAC (on the contrary, they almost always help to make digital sound more like music).

It's not that I have anything against tubes. I like them. But I am going to be upgrading my Blue Circle CS to a BC21.1 pre and BC24 power amp at some point.

If get a CD player with tubes, I would have tubes in the CD/pre/power.
Adding another set of tubes, would make the cost of replacing all of them even more expensive. And with tubes in both amps I don't think I would need some in my CD player too. Not that it would be a bad thing again. I am just try to keep the cost somewhat down.

Hope this helps to explain.

To everyone:
Can anyone else out there offer a comparison between a dAck! and any other high end players or converters? I think I would like to try a dAck! once my finances allow me to do so.

naim audio cd 3.5 with a flatcap.all of the planets attributes plus more muscle.