Jolida 100 cdp

I have a Jolida 100 cdp with stock chinese tubes. My system include B&K ST-202 with B&K Pro10MC sonota pre-amp, Alon II speakers. My listening habits include blues, jazz and indy bands. Looking to upgrade tubes to best suite system and listening habits. Are the RCA 5751 triple mica back plates the answer?
try the sylvania 3 mica black plate 5751s. I love them but they tend to go for some $$$ now. Arthur
Dvdgreco, I just got the EI Elites and find just as much detail, but not more, than the EH I tried prior. As to warmth, agree it is not "tubey-warm" but it is a natural-sounding tube that takes nothing away from the music. Nothing 'cool' about it. The stock Jolida tube will give you warmth but take away a lot of other things.
I second Aball's opinion on the Sylvania triple mica blackplates 5751s. I note I picked up a pair of Sylvania Gold Label JHS 5751WA to use in my Jolida. I subsequently acquired a back up pair of Sylvania Yellow Label JHS 5751WA about a year later (same as the Gold Label Sylvanias, just different colored printing), and during the year the price had gone up considerably.

Best of luck with your tube rolling, and sorry about your wallet. Also, you can check out my virtual system for comments about the numerous tubes I've rolled in the JD100.