Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's

Working at piecing together a system based around the 3A de Capo i's and am interested in others' sucessful (and not) matches with amplifiers; brands and power. They list 3w to 150w but would a set of Cary 2A3's at 5w work? I listen to classical mostly, sources are rega cdp and music hall TT. I'm looking in the sub-$1500 used arena. Thanks
I'm trying to create an owner's forum for Ref3A products over on audio circle. It would be a great pool of resources for someone with this kind of question; with access to a lot of owners, and archives of their experiences with amps and other ancillaries.

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(In the Town Square circle)
One of the problems with the De Capos (if you can call it a problem) is that they seem to me to be a lot more revealing of upstream equipment than other speakers in the price class. As a result, the necessary sonic compromises in commonly well-regarded afordable integrated amps like some of the ones you mentioned are exposed more so than people generally expect.

The obvious answer is to spend a lot more money to get a more transparent, powerful, perfect amp. (I guess that's usually the obvious answer.) The realistic answer is to try to find amplification that, like the dc's, offers much higher level of performance than you would expect at the price.

I wish I could suggest one. I've been focusing on my front end lately, so I haven't done much with amps for the de capos. I was hoping the 8100 might be a good answer, but you didn't seem happy with it.

The Audiomats, which I've heard (not on de capos), seem like they might be a great choice; although they're not in branson's price range.

Branson: Maybe another option to look for is used mid-power tubes. I'm not sure what kind of prices they go for, but I've heard of good results with the smaller VTL amps; c-j, Manley, and Sonic Frontiers could be good as well. If you're willing to live with less-than-stellar build quality, Antique Sound Labs could be an answer. Divergent Technologies (the distributor for both) often uses De Capos with ASL amps at shows. A lot of the ASL amps are in your price range new. I wouldn't expect it to be a final solution, but it could get you where you want for a while.

Good luck.

Yet another comment from me. I agree that one of the "problems" w/ the de Capos is that they are almost ruthlessly revealing, as trite as that sounds. I've been posting comments, questions and thoughts here and on AA the last few days relating to the de Capos. I agree as to the ASL suggestion for a budget amp w/ the de Capos. I owned the $1200 ASL amp before I got the de Capos, and it was very good for the $$. Also heard the de Capos w/ the less expensive ASL integrated (the middle one I think) and I liked the sound very much in a smaller room at the dealer's shop. I believe it is a SET integrated, and gave the de Capos a little extra warmth -- a good thing I thought -- w/out giving up much LF info in a small room.
To give you some perspective, two of the reasons I've been a little unhappy w/ my system lately have noting to do w/ the de Capos. First, I sold my Michell Gyro/SME 309/ VDH and Clearaudio cartidges, and regret the decision. The Michell was difficult to set up right w/out local dealer help, and I fiddled w/ it a lot, but when it was close to right, the Gyro/SME w/ either cartridge, the de Capos/Avatar and a good LP were breath-takingly good. I just got tired of fiddling w/ it. Second, I have been doing a lot of tube rolling in my Avatar lately, with some very mixed results. So, I'm not sure its fair to blame the Avatar. The Avatar is very good w/ the stock tubes, and with the right NOs 12au7s, even better. I just can't leave well enough alone, and have to accept that no matter how much tube rolling I do, I'm not going to turn my Avatar into a Renn. 30/30 or Art Audio Jota.

tiny triodes by vtl are a terrific match.Great low end punch that sounds real and mids that are smooth and detailed.The audio aero cdp matches very well with these speakers and amp.
Thanks for all the ideas. I went with the Cary Sli-80 integrated for it's price and option of triode and ultralinear. I've owned a Cary SLP-50A and was very pleased with every aspect of it, sonics and build quality.
Hope it works out as well as those of you who have found your dream match. Brucegel, the AudioAero is next but I just have to rob a bank or win a lottery first. Seriously though... I hope I hope.