This is probably the first time that a female trying hard to be in audio circa, is asking desperately of what speaker I can match with my Sunfire AMP (300 watts per channel and Sunfire tube pre-amp with kimber hero IC and kimber 8tc speaker cable.

Right now I am using NHT 2.5i and my boyfriend (who introduce me to this craze)is telling me all the time that my set up did not match the performance of my amp and pre-amp....pleeease help...
What kind of music do you listen to? Is this a two channel only system, or also meant to be used as a HT set-up? Budget for speakers? Any physical limitations in terms of placement? Jeff
Thanks for all your system is a stereo set up and my boyfriend system is a combination of KRELL MONO AND PRE-AMP with a matching PROAC on my budget is around $1500 for the speaker and I will pay for it not my boyfriend and my sound preference is jazz, blues and soft rock .
If you are willing to be patient, and buy used gear, look for a pair of Vandersteen 3A's which are sometimes available for around $1750-1800. Excellent, full-range speaker system that does very well with high-powered transistor amps. The chances are reasonably good that your hearing is better than you boyfriend's, so let your own ears be the guide.
Highly agree w/ sdcampbell.If you can swing the $ try for the Vandy 3A Signature.
I'm using the Sunfire amp to drive the woofers, and 2 channels of a Sunfire Cinema Grand to drive the mid/tweet array in my NHT 3.3's, and a Balanced Audio Design VK-3i preamp. Sweeeeet! Too much power is my creed. But I think given the investment you've made in your components, a speaker upgrade might be in order. Something to throw down a little more LF output. Maybe a powered subwoofer would be in order? Your 2.5i's are quite worthy (those are my surround speakers), but do lack bass impact.