Loudspeaker under 3000 new or used

Using BAT VK200 with BP25 (all solid state). Thank for the input.
check out a demo or used pair of B&W 802 Matrix...u can get them in mint condition for aroun $2000 - $2500 and excellnet buy....if ur lucky maybe u can find the 801 Matrix
for under $3000..i have seen then sell for around that
There's a pair of Dynaudio Contour 3.0's from a dealer listed on this site as I write this right at $3K, which is a heckuva price especially if they're demo's with full warranty from a dealer. I own a pair (no, I'm not the dealer and mine aren't for sale :-), and would heartily recommend them since you have SS amplification.
Hales Rev3s are a great buy - new or used. Has anyone listened to any Triangle speakers from France? Those seem to have cooked up a storm lately. Reasonably priced too!
Rocky is right - one of my in-laws has an old pair of 801 Matrix speakers with s.s. amplification(aragon 8008 I think)
and it sounds incredible. Admittedly, the system is tweaked all the way down to the power cord, but still shows what can be done. Incredibly uncongested and convincing on complex classical pieces, so they will coast on anything else.
Von Schweikert VR3.5's should be a must hear after listening to the rest. See at www.vonschweikert.com