tubes or ss for amati homage

Thinking of buying Amati Homage. Have only listened to them with ML amp. Has anybody heard them with tubes ? I notice its sensitivity is 92db. SETs perhaps ?
Try an 845 based tube. The Bel Canto SET40 could drive those speakers with ease and preserve the delicate nuances of the music. A good PP tube amp would also work well.
Ryllau, It all depends on your taste! I have the Amati's and being driven by a hybrid amp (nuvista 300 - 300wpc) and love it. I never tried an all tube amp, so I can't comment. I did compare big SS amps (ML & Krell mono's), but was not impressed. took away the speakers sensuality and muicality. However, go listen and compare. but what ever you decide upon, make sure you get a good 4ohm capable amp, as these speakers prefer it.
good luck!
Regardless of the type of amplifier, make sure it has enough power to drive them. I listened to these with an ARC VT-100 and thought it sounded rather thin. With a pair of huge Classe amps however, it really seemed to come alive. I do tend to like the ARC sound over Classe for most their respective lines, so I have to suspect that the VT-100 may have been a bit underpowered.
I can't disagree with Latraviata more. I used the Nagra VPA and the Amati sings beautifully. The 50W VPA handles even the loudest passages gracefully without any distortion.