Anybody willing to admit?

Another bit of fun I hope.
A while back my local dealer told me of a customer he had who spend serious amounts on his system (vinyl)but had only about a dozen LP's.
Anybody willing to admit about a particularly small record collection?
On a more interesting level anybody so fussy or precise about the music they listen to that their collection is honed to perfection?
Two things I accumulate is LP's/CD's and wires (I have a box of wires and don't have a clue what to do with them all). I listen to half of the music I own as it is, yet still keep buying more new titles. People with 5000 LP's certainly have their hands full, I have no idea how they would have time to ever listen to even a portion of them.
I don't know the numbers but I have what seems to me like a lot of CDs and records (and DATs, and even some cassettes!). Just about everytime I've gotten rid of something I've regretted it, although I do come up with schemes to "simplify" fairly often. So, I'm holding on to all my music. To those that can travel lighter in this world, my hat is off to you!
Your question reminds me of the old definition of an audiophile that went around years ago: a guy who owned $25,000 (or insert your own higher amount) of audio gear and 20 copies of the "1812 Overture".
I had 3000 LPs 2 years ago but I sold many on eBay and I gave away as many as I sold.Lots of good music but who has all that time? With the money I made I bought a mint Rega Planet(old style) I use to only have 6,yes 6 CD's but now I'm up to 18 CD's!
I usually play the same 5-6 LP's or CD's till I get sick of them then move on to something different.