Anybody willing to admit?

Another bit of fun I hope.
A while back my local dealer told me of a customer he had who spend serious amounts on his system (vinyl)but had only about a dozen LP's.
Anybody willing to admit about a particularly small record collection?
On a more interesting level anybody so fussy or precise about the music they listen to that their collection is honed to perfection?
Hey Bob I may take you up on that, my grandparents collect 8 tracks!! They have about 1000 tapes and 5 players, its thier hobby!!
hey bob

hold up

I actually have a functioning 8 track player
and an old reel to reel and a wind up victrola I play 78's on (complete with wood speaker)

I would gladly pay shipping on some 8 tracks
what style of music?
maybe tireguy and I can split the collection
his parents get the welk, i get the stones and beatles ;-)

anyway _ I always have to have new material to listen to
and constantly am buying ear candy
I buy cd's (new and used) at a great used store here in New Orleans (Magic Bus) for 8-10 a pop.

I also have lots of Japanese vinyl that I have only played once and taped to my nakamichi. Have a Bang & Olufsen turntable from the early 80's in my bedroom setup that I never play
I dare to admit that keeping just 6 or several vinyls or CDs will not suit me since when I start listening(especially on weekends) I may pick up upto 25 recors and play them either whole or selective parts. I can even delay it for the next day.:)
Audiotomb-I think your right I don't think my 70+ year old grandparents would be into the "modern" rock of the the 60's ;), they favor true old school stuff, things that I sure as hell have never heard of before.
Tim I doubt that grandpa & grandma would care for these 8 track tapes: these are mainly 60's rock genre. I'll dig them up again for TomB; probably a dozen or so tapes from The Creme & Jethro Tull era, I think there's an old Pink Floyd too. No guarantees regarding condition; might be fun to play around with though. I'm keeping my R-to-R's as I'll admit to having 1/4 track & 1/2 track machines that still sound good even today.