Anyone herad the Audio Physic Avanti 111's?

Anyone heard the Avanti 111's. Are they really as good as the press seems to think? Do they need a big room?
The Avanti are generally better (bass included) than the Virgos -- but need big (current) amplification to get the best out of them. Especially in the mid-bass (to MY ears, ofcourse -- yrs may differ). So, you may be looking at extra investment...

I used to have the previous model (a tad more difficult to drive than the III) and tried the following amps: Symphonic Line RG7, Pathos monos, Symphonic Line Kraft 250A, Krell 80. Best sound, by far, with the Kraft. Also highest price, by far. Great sound from the other machines, I settled for the RG7 -- but that's personal. BTW, I listen to classical.

Good luck!

At this price level, I would not recommand buying any speaker without listen to it in at least two different setups. I made that mistake before and regret it big time.
sidssp, that is good advise, I will be sure not to buy them unless I have somehow heard them. However, feedback here is also helpful. Wonder what speakers you are referring to that you made the mistake on?

Twenty some years ago, in 1978 or 1979, I bought a pair of BOSE 901 based on dealer recommendation without auditioning because it was a new revision and the dealer had not gotten the demo unit in. He also gave me a good price for pre-order. I treaded them in for a pair of KEF 104/ab three months later. I paid my tuition. I am now much older and hopefully a bit wiser.
I heard them recently with all Herron electronics & Wadia digital and the Avanti's displayed excellent, deep, tuneful bass. They sounded great - very musical, very "alive". (A specialty of Herron gear.) The Herron mono amps are powerful and clean but only 150W. As with any speaker in this class, everything else in the chain has got to be up to snuff or you really won't hear what the Avantis are capable of. They probably need a medium to large sized room.