Most musical high-efficient 3-way bi-ampable spkr?

Help me choose a speaker!


Room will be 10'x16'; budget- less than $4k (new or used, I don't care which).

I have 4 tube amps (all modded to the max)- a pair of 7-watt 300B's for mids/highs, and a pair of 170 wpc (in triode) monoblocks for bass. They are driven direct from the analog volume of my Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CDP. The bass amps have volume control as well, so they can be infinitely adjusted in relation to the mids/highs.

It really seems tough to find a good selection of speakers that are highly efficient (for the 7-watt SET 300B's), but also 3-way (for the bass bi-amp). No horns please...

OK- on the short list are: Coincident Partial Eclipse and Silverline Sonatina. (not interested in Soliloquy, as I have heard they are better with SS, and the Silverlines excel with tubes).

Any ideas given the above parameters? (keep in mind that up here in Canada, we have limited access to a lot of stuff- so no 'exotics' I haven't heard of please- thanks!).

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are into classical or jazz music, you might consider the tried and tested B&W 801 Matrix S3 speakers. You can get a pair of them used for around $2,500. Given that you have 170 watts for the bass, your amps should be more than sufficient to drive these speakers. They have an unforgettable and unique sweetness and warmth, especially when they are driven by tube amps!!!
Your fellow Canadian, Mr. Israel Blume, makes speakers that are hard to beat for your specifications. Coincident Super Eclipse are just about in your price range, and can be made for bi-amping upon request. 92db sensitive, 14 ohm (min 10), with response rated down to 28hz. Give Israel a call. The new Victory is even a little less expensive and rated at 97 db. I think you will find Coincident to be exceptional speakers, and Israel an exceptional guy that will get you in. But, you have to ask for bi-amped, as it is an option and not standard.

Best of luck.