Entry-level speakers

Hi, I'm just starting out on a decent system. My source is a music hall mmf-5, and I'm considering the PSB Image 4Ts. In about 15 months I'll be moving away to college, and needless to say, I probably won't have a huge listening room. Until then, I'll be listening in my current bedroom which must be about 350 ft^2. Does anyone have an opinion on the 4Ts ability to fill a large room and sound decent in a cramped room? Would the 5/6/7 Ts be overkill? I like the 1Bs, but there's so little bass, and they sound small. I've also heard some B&Ws, Vandersteens, and Martin Logans...each of which sounded good, but probably wouldn't be practical for me. Are there any other speakers I should listen to? Other than space requirements, my only other major limitation is money. I have saved up about 10 thousand and I'd like to use roughly 15 hundred to two thousand on my system (speakers, amp, cables, etc). Thanks in advance for any help.
I would recommend you audition the Energy Connisour C-1. Absolutely fantastic loudspeaker for small/mediun sized room. An audio bargain for I believe $300 retail. I've owned the Spendor S3/5(Superb loudspeaker), Harbeth's, JM Labs, Kef's, PSB's and I personally find the C-1 superior to them all.
Does anyone have the PSB stratus minis? I like PSB but the Image bookshelves sound too small. Can anyone describe the difference between the Minis and the Image 4ts?
Dana Audio 1 monitor for ~ $250 (new) have been on Sensible Sound's recommended list for years. Deservedly so. I have a pair I bought off Ebay for $105.

I also own Tyler Reference Monotors ($1100 used; $2450 new) and the Dana's are every bit as enjoyable at times, depending on equipment matchup. Different voice, different quality; still the Dana's are for real. You can live with them for a long time and never be ashamed of the sound. Passive sub is available to match the 1's for $250; active for $350. First class budget set-up. Well reviewed.

I've never seen Dana mentioned here and really wonder why. Anyone else with experience?

Green Mountain Audio Europa's are becoming legend, it appears. Comfortably under $1000 and you would never likely want to trade up. Just add a subwoofer down the road. Or not. These speakers are special.

Axiom M3ti, only $275 and superb performance. Checkout the Soundstage! review at www.axiomaudio.com
Your going to be in a dorm room that you share with someone you've never met do not spend a lot of money on your stuff. It is going to have beer spilled on it, people you don't know puking on it, get stolen, etc. Get a pair of Ascend Acoustics 170s( see the $ensible Sound reviews at the Ascend site) for $330 and an older NAD amp or receiver here or on ebay. Keep it under $500 it is going to be abused in a dorm unless you take with you every time you leave your room.