Coincident UHS speakers,,,,,,anyone own a pair?

Anyone own a pair of Coincident ultre high sensitivity line of speakers? If so, what are you powering them with and how do you like the sound?
Thanks everyone. This info is greatly appreciated. My budget will only allow me to get the Triumph Sigs at this time. According to Trelja, I don't think I'll be dissapointed. I think my ultimate goal is to get the Triumphs now, hold on to them for about 3 years, while saving up the money for the Total Victory's. I think this will make a killer HT rig also (using the Triumphs as surrounds). I refuse to spend $1500 on Isreals center channel. I just don't see the value in a $1500 center channel. I'd rather see if he can sell me a single Triumph for about $500 to use as a center.

I definately want to get into SET amps. Although I occasionally listen to large orchestral music, I think the high sensitivity of these speakers will allow the SET to sing. I thought about Bi-amping whichever speakers I get from Israel. I spoke to him already. He said that he could put dual binding post on any of his speakers. I'll probably use a SET on the mid-highs and a higher powered Push-Pull by the same manufacturer for the bass.

Wish me luck.

thanks again.
The Tri Sig UHS uses a proprietary woofer manufactured be SEAS, not a Vifa.

Coincident does offer a Triumph Sig UHS center channel that sells for $595US.
Thanks for clarifying the driver Israel. And, congratulations on producing such a fantastic speaker! I don't believe there is a better speaker at $1200.

From my audition of the Triumph UHS, I would say you would be a very happy camper pairing them with your SET, Meech33. My friend's goal was to find a good match for his lower powered integrated amplifier. Although this amplifier is rated at 25 wpc, it really is quite close to an SET. Finding a loudspeaker that would play at a normal volume for him(and he listens at quite low volumes) without having the volume up to 90% proved to be a challenge. However, I believe the Coincidents proved to be the easiest loudspeaker that he came across. There was no question the amplifier could drive them to pretty high volumes.

I certainly hope the Victorys I listened to were broken in Sutts, but you never know. Yes, long break - in times were always a complaint when it comes to Coincident, but if they are any worse than any other, what can we do? Although I have not heard the Total Victorys, many say they are a special product.

By the way, I will discuss this in another thread soon, but the AR TDS 202 is something anyone with a lower powered amplifier should definitely try if their loudspeakers are taxing the amp. I am not sure how it works, but this passive(yes, passive with a capital P) device DEFINITELY ups the volume quotient considerably. As an example, with the TDS unit in place, it had the Green Mountain Europas producing the same volume at the amp's 40% setting as it did at 90% without the unit! Absolutely astonishing.
Meech- the imaging is so damn good with the TV's, once you get them, you won't NEED a center channel!

Trelja- have NO idea what this AR TDS 202 thing is you are talking about...