Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's

My system consists of Thor Audio TPA 150 el-34 tubed monoblocks, a Thor TA-2000 premamp with phono(tubed),
Cary 306/200 which I use as a transport and Thor Audio DC-1000 tubed Dac, VPI scoutmaster turntable with a clearudio discovery cartridge, Richrad Gray power conditioner, an Audio Physics
Minos Subwoofer and a pair or Quad 988's.
Quad positives:Great for piano, voice and small groups such
as chamber music. With a voice or piano you swear the piano or voice was in your room.
Quad negatives:Bass does not extend low enough.
No illusion of an entire orchestra on stage. The Quads shrink the musical presentation. Lacking in dynamic contrasts. They also soften many instruments. For instance the tambourines in Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien instead of sounding sharp like in a dynamic speaker, they sound
rounded out and softened.
My issue: I am told that only an electrostatic can deliver the clarity that a Quad can deliver. I have looked into the Sound Labs but even with their new impedance modification I do not think my amps can drive them.
Will a speaker like a Vandersteen 5A, Kharma 3.2 give me the clarity of the Quads with the dynamic contrasts, and
the illusion of 90-100 people on a stage and not 10. I know I'm asking for a lot but I don't want to replace the Quads and take a few steps backwards in doing this. The Quads have lived with me for over 1 and 1/2 and they do some amazing things, but is there more for the approximate price guideline I have suggested.? I guess as a music lover and audiophile you are always searching for that additional something. Has anybody out there found someting that might work with my sysytem that gives me that
something more?
For some stunning full range, look at the Definitions from Zu Cable. I have them in my HT setup & literally do not need a sub woofer. Each speaker consists of 2 - 10" full range drivers (on the front) 1 - 1" super tweeter (on the front) & 4 - 10" powered low frequency drivers. 7 speakers per cabinet! They are extremely well balanced & easy to listen to. Plus they retail around $6K per pair & that will save you some cash.
Coincident has just upgraded their Total Victory to a version II, at a price if $13K. As the owner of the first version, I think they'd be worth looking at. They're coherent (maybe not like Sound Labs, though), very high resolution, excellent tonal balance, great dynamics, easy to drive (I've used SETs and 50 wpc p-p on them), they work in small or large rooms, and they look pretty reasonable, too.
I will second the Coincident Total Victory II.

I agree with the comments made by Gliderguider.