New Swifts vs. used Kestrel Hot Rods

I'm looking to upgrade from Paradigm Titans in my bedroom (which sound amazing for the money). Been thinking of a used pair of Kestrels, but now the Swift is out and seems interesting. Power is vintage Mac tube gear. Anybody A-B compared these two speakers?
Absolutly true Phasecorrect, you can only expect so much from a 5" driver but then again, no speaker is perfect and the law of diminishing returns comes into play. It's just where you make the cut off point for your personal needs.
Indeed the Kestral is fine and so is the Vandy. I wish I had them all! Good thread.
A few posts ago I was in the process of deciding and, having decided, here's my input. I ended up getting the Kestrel Hot Rods over the Swifts and I am quite happy with them so far. To me they just sound more "complete." Certainly enough bass for me from that little driver, though I am in a small room. The upper end detail is beautiful, cymbals ring and linger but don't draw attention to themselves. Mids do blend together some, but I kind of like that frankly. I should mention as a matter of taste that I prefer overall musicality to detail. Though jazz has my heart, I listen to just about everything under the sun and these speakers seem to handle the range well.
I listened to both at a local store and I used to own the Kestrels.
Kestrel, no comparison. The fact is the Swifts may advertise frequency response lower than the Kestrels but the Kestrels have more bottom end. The Swifts just did have the low end or presence the Kestrels had.
This was comparing non-HR Kestrels.
Also, the Swift has a nicer finish but I like the Kestrel profile better.