Loudspeakers that match well w/Bryston B-60?

I'm looking for a floorstanding loudspeakers that would match up well w/my Bryston B-60r. My listening room has catheral ceilings and I listen at a distance of 10' to mostly jazz/classical/easylistening country/folk/rock. The
midrange is most critical. Budget is under $2500. The Theil
.5/ Snell QB-x25/Pro Ac Studio 125 interests me because of price/size/and availables finishes, but, I'm open-minded to any and all
suggestions. Also, what loudspeaker cable could you recommend that would compliment speaker w/amp? Thanks. Bill
I listened to a lot of speakers (B&W, castle, monitor audio, morel usa, paradigm, psb, revel, thiel, totem, triangle, etc.)with my B-60 before settling on the Meadowlark Swift. I did not hear each of these in my room and carried my amp to a number of shops that were kind enough to let me plug-in and listen.

There are lots of good speakers out there right now, but the Swifts were my favorite match with the B-60, even though they were less than half what I was prepared (and expected) to spend. Enjoy the search and let us know what you end up buying.
I used to have a Bryston 2B-LP (the origin of the B-60's amp section) and BR.5 preamp mated to a pair of Meadowlark Kestrels. Musically very nice but not the last word in dynamics. I often like to turn my system up when listening and the Meadowlarks just couldn't go loud with the 2B. Also, Kestrels are time & phase coherent. I noticed a distinct decrease in sound quality when I stood up in my room. I didn't feel the speakers had a small sweet spot but they sound much better when sitting.
The good news is they are unobtrusive and quite nice looking. They do a beautiful job with vocals and image with the best of them. If you aren't looking for loud, I think it Kestrels are a good choice.
I can not sure about the Magnepan MMG's. Don't assume I don't like them (see my audiogon review) but I don't think the B-60 is strong enough to power them. I found them able to clip my Bryston 4B NRB and the Soundstage reviewer noted the same power thirsty traits. That and they are big. I guess you can try them and send them back if you don't like them. I think the 1.6's would be even worse but I can't say with certainty.
The Vandy 2xx's would be worth looking at. The first time I heard a B-60 was with a pair of 2's. It seemed to have sufficient power.
I would definitely check out the PMC line of loudspeakers. These are designed to mate specifically with Bryston electronics.
Thank-you once again for all your sound advise. I've reached the point where I'm focusing in the direction I'll
be heading. As far as speakers, the choices are Spendor 2/3,
1/2e, Theil .5(Up for auction at the moment), Vienna Acoustics Bach. I believe a warm sounding speaker is needed to match-up with the Bryston. I agree with Karls that high impedance/sensitivity are req. I also feel that Maggies would not be the best match with this int. amp. (I tried out
a pair of MMG's a few years back and if memory serves me well they were somewhat power hungry. Fine loudspeakers though they did not suit my tastes. Finally settled for B&W
DM 640's.) Charles, I agree that the Vandersteen 1C/2Ce would be a good match. I'm hoping to match the decor of my
oak stereo/tv stand and therefor the speaker finish is important. One final thought, I've not ruled out the possibility that the Bryston will no longer be in the equation. I might just trade-in towards a pair of Spendor
1/2e's and use an inexpensive 50w NAD 320 BEE int. amp for the time being till I find a really great amp to drive them.
As I mentioned earlier, there is an auction for the Thiel .5
which I might bid on. Its very difficult deciding without having the opportunity for an in-home trial. Hopefully I'll
be able to raise a few funds with my ads in Audiogon to make
this all possible. Once Again... Thanks. Bill
I have similar components as you; B60 & Cal icon mk2. I'm using B&W matrix 803 s2 bought used here for $1250 with MIT t2 biwire cables and I'm very happy with the sound. Very sweet sounding IMHO.