Speaker placement at dealers

Is it just me...or are dealers...even hi-end shops...less than ideal when auditioning speakers?...they often appear baffled when I move speakers out into the room...and closer together...how do they expect a proper assessment...when speakers are flush against a wall...with ten other models between them?
I spent months trying to get my set-up right, but was well worth the time and effort (electrostatics are finicky beasts). You should be able to try any component you're serious about buying in your home set up. And once it meets your needs, keep them and PAY THE DEALER FOR THEM, he's earned it. Try them in your home courtesy of your dealer, love them, then return them to your dealer and look for a "deal" on the 'net or a competing dealer? You're lower than whale s***t. Dealers who provide home auditions and valuable set up service are entitled to my hard earned dough (and a reasonable profit). As for the rest of the bricks & mortar guys who think you're doing them a favor, time they found a new vocation.
Jeff, looks like we were typing and posting at the same time. Funny how we came up with the same basic thoughts after reading the same thread miles and miles apart. I guess some things remain somewhat consistent with the love of music / music reproduction no matter where you are : ) Sean

I have a dealer just like that. Met him when I was 12 years old. Patient, caring....29 years later he's still in business and I still frequent his store. Damn him, I got hooked cuz of him! I don't know whether to love him or hate him.
Miles and miles, ain't that right. I live in Montreal, you're in Chicago. Right now, I'm in San Jose and hoping to get home tomorrow (typhoon hitting the left coast shortly). I'll be in Chicago in January, love to hear your rig!
For what ever it's worth I've never been to Symphony Sound. My post followed one where Symphony Sound claimed to do speaker auditons with one pair in the room at a time. That post has mysteriously disapppeared. I did buy my speakers from Inovative Audio where (except for their lowest priced speakers) are auditoned one set in the room at a time. Remember this is in NYC where real estate prices are at a premium. Kudos to those dealers that do it right. I too have heard the Vandersteens sound dreadful at some dealers and wonderful at others.