Vandersteen 3x Owners: More Bass?

Just curious how many owners of Vandersteen 3 series speakers (or 2 series)have chosen to add a subwoofer (most like one or two from Vandersteen), and if not, why not?
While I agree that the location for best imaging and the location for best bass are in geneneral not the same, in my room they are not very far apart and the controls on the 5A easily corrected for the difference. (Only the bottom two bands were adjusted slightly for flat performance.)

The additional controls on the 5A sub seem to overcome the advantage of physical separation as in the 2Wq. There may be problematic rooms where this is not the case and separating the subs might help, but I would imagine additional solutions would be needed as well.

Since Vandersteen has designed both separate subs and integrated subs I suspect he fully appreciates the pros and cons. I find the 5A subs to be the best integrated and best sounding subs I have ever heard. They disappear along with the speakers leaving a naturally distributed sound stage. So for me they work very well indeed.
Well it certainly seems like you have a very satisfying system. Has the search stopped? or are you contemplating your next move? Any thoughts on interconnects, speaker cabling, or power conditioners within the context of your system?
Zargon, this is in no way a negative comment on your system. I'm sure it sounds fabulous. However, I am disappointed to hear that the 5's can be improved measurably by using subs in conjunction. Would have thought, for that price, that the use of subs would have been obviated.
The "subs" are part of the 5As, integrated within the 5A cabinet and with their own 400Watt amplifiers (for the subwoofer frequencies) per speaker.
Thanks, P. This is what I thought. Guess I had mistakenly inferred from Zargon's comments that he was using separate, additional subs.