Amplification for Proac 1SC and Totem Model 1

I would like to own either of these 2 monitors someday. In your opinion, what solid state integrated amp ($1000 range - new or used) should be paired with these speakers?
I have the Totems, they are great, but require heavy horsepower to drive, 250 to 300+ watts. This will affect your budget.
i also have the model 1's and use a pair of Odyssey monoblocks to drive them. These speakers do require power to get the best sound from them.
I had good results mating a Pass Aleph 3 to the Proac 1SCs. In a small room, the 30 wpc 3's had more than sufficient power, and the amp's strengths matched the speakers well. (Check prior threads.)
have driven the proacs with a bryston b60....great amp, 20 year warranty and used in your price range