Good ROCK speakers

Im Running a set of DefTech 2004TLs for my main speaks.

One general concensus on this board is these are better used for HT than 2ch due to the bipolar design.

Well, im sure you all kno what you are talking about, and im looking to overhaul my front end to a prepro/amp system. HTY with integrated 2CH w seperate amp

There are alot of different people with different tastes, and i like to really be able to ROCK. Crank it up and jam out without distortion.

Im planning on moving my deftech 2004tls to the surrounds, and my bp6's to the rear, giving me space for new front speakers.

Whaats are some real good speakers to ROCK out with? Loud and proud, clear and full range.

Ive been thinking of possible vandersteens. Also considered ML, but im not too sure how much tthese are made to ROCK!!!!


Any metalheads out there with some advise?
Playing music at high levels with minimal distortion, I have learned is going to take some careful planning and some real dollars spent. If you truly wish to build a "system" that will reliably "rock" and sound clean, you will need to start with a top quality front end and work your way down the chain to the speakers and don't skimp on the wire.

Your speakers may be cleaner than you think. I would start with making sure the cd player or tt is the best you can afford. I have found that even not so great speakers can sound great with high quality amps, cables, and front end.

I blew a driver on one of my 801s2's and had to put my $300 dcm floorstanders in their place. I noticed the speakers sounded better than ever thought they could and better than anyone might have thought. Start with the source.
Not sure what your budget is. I have Meadowlark Shearwater Hotrods and these boys really rock with only 50wpc. I listen to bands like Rob Zombie, Judas Priest, Metallica, System of a Down, Sabbath, etc. and all of my hifi buddies turn green with envy when they come listen. The Shearwaters have very good bass extension and pack plenty slam. Downside is they need a bit of space between them and the walls otherwise the bass gets overpowering.
IN my experience, the best choice is what studios use as playback (not mixing) monitors. The old JBLs from the 1970s, when refurbished, will indeed fit the bill.

Tannoy and Altec coaxials offer similar clarity and dynamics, but superior soundstaging and imaging. The Tannoy DMT series are used in many audiophile and other recording studios where price is no object even though by audiophile standards they're cheap.

You can pick up, for example, a pair of used Tannoy System 15 DMT for under $2K and I'd rate them superb for all types of music.

Just my two cents. . .
I still want a pair of my L200's back!!!! You cannot top a classic JBL with rock in my opinion. Insanely good for the money. Just try finding a pair or ask the Japanese home market.
I'd skip the JBL and get some Vandersteen 2CI's or 3A's if you can swing it. I loved my 2CI's when I had them and I love rock!