Thiel 7.2: amps suggestions please

I'm a 7.2 owner who looking for a really good amp to match with my speakers. My actual ss monoblocks rated at 250 watts(doubling on 4, 2,1 ohm) Class A probably are not enough: my feeling is that 7.2's eats power like no other speaker except Apogees ! Welcome to any suggestion, specially from 7.2 owners. Thanks.
Thank you Stevecham for adding your personal experience with Krell.
For Chryslers rule: I think the main problem, as you have mentioned, is the more complex crossover, there are 4 drivers instead of 3, yes the woofer (magnet and coil, not the diaphragm) is approximately the same, but the midbass is specific and the coax mid/tw are not the same of CS6. My monoblocks are pretty unknown in Usa (see , the model is the A200 Reference) and my feeling is that the amps have no sufficient juice for the 7.2, but for the 6 yes. Changing from 6 to 7.2 simply the sound is not real, solid and live any longer. Just my little experience, of course.
Looking at your question from the amp's point of view ... Musical Fidelity's representatives at the NYC HI FI show this past May were recommending pairing their amps with Thiels. They were pairing their latest KW 500 amp with Thiels 7.2. I wasn't sold on the sound, but it was set-up in a ballroom, which is not your typical set-up.

Regards, Rich
How many hours do you have on the 7.2's? The break-in period can be relatively long and the speakers will sound just as you've described if not broken in.

If break-in is not the issue, an alternative to the big amps previously suggested is the "poor man's Krell" - Bryston 14B-SST. I had one in my system with the CS6s and was very impressed. The 14B is a 600 watt dual mono in a single chassis. Very big soundstage and incredibly low noise floor. Microdynamics abound. Nice piece of gear for half the price of Krell/Levinson.
Thank you Proberts for your advice on Bryston amps and also (even more interesting) for the break-in remark. Really I don't know for sure if the 7.2 are well broken in since they were a dealer demo... In any case how many hours are needed for a complete break-in in your opinion ? 100, 200 or more ? Best ;-)