Thiel 7.2: amps suggestions please

I'm a 7.2 owner who looking for a really good amp to match with my speakers. My actual ss monoblocks rated at 250 watts(doubling on 4, 2,1 ohm) Class A probably are not enough: my feeling is that 7.2's eats power like no other speaker except Apogees ! Welcome to any suggestion, specially from 7.2 owners. Thanks.
How many hours do you have on the 7.2's? The break-in period can be relatively long and the speakers will sound just as you've described if not broken in.

If break-in is not the issue, an alternative to the big amps previously suggested is the "poor man's Krell" - Bryston 14B-SST. I had one in my system with the CS6s and was very impressed. The 14B is a 600 watt dual mono in a single chassis. Very big soundstage and incredibly low noise floor. Microdynamics abound. Nice piece of gear for half the price of Krell/Levinson.
Thank you Proberts for your advice on Bryston amps and also (even more interesting) for the break-in remark. Really I don't know for sure if the 7.2 are well broken in since they were a dealer demo... In any case how many hours are needed for a complete break-in in your opinion ? 100, 200 or more ? Best ;-)
Luke 72. If you look on page 6 of your owners manual Thiel rewcommends 50 hours a fairly loud volume. At 100 hours Thiels claims you will still notice an improvement in the sound. Hope this helps.
Proberst887 I did not have the same results as you did with the Bryston 14b-SST. At higher volume levels during extented periods of listening the amp would start to clip. I am not talking insane levels but to the level it would test the amp. I believe in one of the reviews done by Stereophile they used the mono block version 7b-SST and it clipped while auditioning the Thiel CS 7.2 I like the amp but for the Thiels it does not give it enough air to breath and test the speakers potential. That is why I am in the market for a amp to power the CS 7.2.-Peace
Thanks again for your input Irish65. I know Thiel's manual recommendations but I like to ear a first hand experience from the owners too. When have you listen to the X600 amps with BAT VK 51 SE Irish65 ?